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Bio Exam 2

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The simplest of the eukaryotes are the protists plants fungi animals both protists and fungi.
Unlike prokaryotes, protist cells have a single, circular chromosome all contain chlorophyll divide by mitosis and/or meiosis do not have membrane-bound organelles all of these.
Calcium carbonate remains of the protozoans _____ and _____ are incorporated into impressive deposits of limestone. diplomonads; parabasalids foraminiferans; coccolithophores diatoms; red algae diatoms; euglenoids chrysophytes; cilliates.
The _____ are the most ancient lineage of protists. amoebozoans dinoflagellates parabasalids and diplomonads ciliates red and green algae.
Which of the following is true regarding ´Trichomonas vaginalis´? it is a parasite it attaches to the epithelial lining of the reproductive tract it is flagellated parabasalid untreated infections damage the urinary and reproductive tracts all of these.
A disease caused in the US by drinking contaminated water from mountain streams is malaria Chagas disease toxoplasmosis Giardiasis histoplasmosis.
Euglenoids move through coordinated beating of cilia may become a serious parasitic infection in some small children that are green have a unique eyespot that sheilds their light receptor that are not photosynthetic have a rigid outer covering made of silica display a unique form of reproduction called conjugation.
The tetse fly transmits the trypanosome that causes African sleeping sickness malaria Chagas disease cryptosporidosis amoebic dynastery.
The term for free-floating or weakly swimming, microscopic members of Kingdom Protista is cyanobacteria sporozoans ciliates amoebas plankton.
Which feature is shared by freshwater euglenoids and paramecia? an eyespot contractile vacuoles a thickened long flagellum being photoautotrophic parasitic existence.
A person can become ill with malaria after injection of cysts from contaminated meat drinking unpurified water eating contaminated shellfish being bitten by an ´Anopheles´ mosquito close contact with a malaria victim.
The majority of ciliates, sporozoans, and flagellated protozoans are characterized as... multicellular photosynthetic heterotrophic unicellular both heterotrophic and unicellular.
_____ are a source of soft limestone formations of chalk. Yellow-green algae Oomycotes Red algae Coccolithophores Green algae.
The abundant stramenophiles that are most efficient at fixing carbon dioxide, and play a major role in global cycling of carbon are yellow-green algae coccolithophores diatoms dinoflagellates green algae.
When under attack, ciliates can eject sticky, harpoon-like threads from structures called vacuoles trichocysts cysts pseudopods pellicles.
Genetic variation in the ciliate ´Paramecium´ is the result of the micronucleus replicating many times and becoming a macronucleus fusion of male and female gametes haploid micronuclei are exchanged during conjugation mutations that occur in the macronucleus plasmids being exchanged during conjugation.
What type of organisms make up the "red tide"? dinoflagellates euglenas Chyrsophyta Plasmodium red algae.
Sources for a thickening, emulsifying agent found in ice cream, salad dressing, beer, toothpaste, cough syrup, and floor polis are the diatoms plasmodia brown algae red algae green algae.
Red algae can live in deeper water because of their dark red and blue pigments holdfasts chlorophyll a stonelike cell walls preference for freshwater habitats.
Holdfasts, gas-filled floats, and a thick, leathery surface are found in species of red algae brown algae bryophytes green algae euglenoids.
Most freshwater algae belong to which phylum? stramenophiles dinflagellates chlorophytes bryophtes charophytes.
The photosynthetic protists that are thought to have given rise to the plants are flagellated protozoans green algae blue-green algae chrysophytes ciliates.
Green algae and advanced land plants are similar in all EXCEPT which of the following characteristics? presence of chlorophyll a storage of carbohydrate in the form of starch cell walls composed of cellulose presence of chlorophyll b haploid dominant life cycles.
Four of the five organisms listed below are protists that form pseudopods. Select the exception. diatoms forminiferans heliozoans radiolarians amoebae.
Cellular slime molds can be distinguished from plasmodial slime molds on the basis of reproductive structures spore formation food requirements nuclei per cell in the aggregate form slime trails.
Fungi are most closely related to _____, with who they share an amoeboid ancestor. Archaea bacteria protists plants animals.
The principal differnce between a saprophytic and parasitic mode of nutrition is the quality of the nutrients the species of fungus that possess it determined by the source of the nutrients determined by the quantity of available nutrients whether the digestion is intracellular or extracellular.
The body of a fungus is generally composed of: Cellulose Mycelia Vascular tissue Mychorrizae Mold.
Which of the following statements describes the value of fungi in the environment? Fungi "fix" nitrogen from the air for use by plants. Fungi trap sunlight energy in the form of carbohydrates. Fungi release elements from organic matter. Fungi enrich the soil by decreasing the rate of decay of organic matter. Fungi remove toxic matels from the soil.
The flagellated spores found in chytrids and microspordians indicate that they were originally free-living photosynthetic cells, like euglenas they were originally members of the zygomycetes, later reclassified they grow into the cells of plant roots their fungal ancestors lived in aquatic environments they are among the newest fungal lineages.
Imperfect fungi are those that lack (or do not show) spores cross walls within hyphae mitosis intracellular digestion sexual reproduction.
The sexual life cycles are known for how many major groups of fungi? one two three six none.
The structure that people typically refer to as a "mushroom" is in reality the mycelium asocarp hyphal mass zygospore basidiocarp.
The club fungi are members of which of the following? Ascomycota Basidiomycota imperfect fungi Chytridiomycota Zygomycota.
Rusts and smuts are brightly colored lichen plant pathogens fungal parasites associated with cattle disease types of edible mushrooms a source of antibiotics.
The main method of asexual reproduction in yeats is binary fission fusion of hyphae budding conjugation fragmentation.
A fungal cell that contains two seperate haploid nuclei is known as a mycelium hypha gametangium dikaryon (dikaryotic) diploid.
Mycorrhizae are the small roots in the root systems of trees endosymbiotic bacteria associated with plant roots fungus and tree root mutualistic association parasitic fungal infections of tree roots endosymbiotic fungal cells associated with leaves.
The development of a protective layer of _____ allowed organisms to survive above the surface of the water. nitrogen methane carbon dioxide ozone water vapor.
The major difference between plants and fungi is that fungi have a heterotrophic form of nutrition are not eukaryotic reproduce by spores are multinucleate but not multicellular do not have a cell wall.
Plants need which of the following to carry on photosynthesis? water carbon dioxide oxygen carbohydrates water and carbon dioxide.
Plants became erect, taller, and branched as a result of their ability to produce chitin lignin cellulose complex carbohydrates peptidoglycan.
Which of the following is true of phloem? conducts mineral ions up the plant connects leaves to roots conducts water up the plant transports plant-manufactured organic products connects leaves to roots and transports plant-manufactured organic products.
Gametophytes are haploid plants that produce spores diploid plants that produce spores either diploid or haploid plants that produce gametes haploid plants that produce gametes diploid plants that produce gametes.
Bryophytes are different from other land plants in that they do not have roots and stems they are multicellular they are photoautotrophic they reproduce by forming seeds they contain chlorophylls and other pigments.
Which of the following statements concerning mosses is false? Mosses do not have xylem and phloem Mosses do not have true leaves. Mosses have independent sporophytes. Mosses have rhiziods, not roots, for attachment. Mosses do not have true stems.
Which bryophyte was used for banages during World War I? liverwort hornwort horsetails peat moss ´Marchantia´.
Which of the following weather conditions would you expect to have the greatest POSITIVE impact on sexual reproduction of ferns and mosses? continuing wet and rainy conditions above average temperature for several days excessively dry period for several days below average temperatures for a few days the shade of a forest.
Four of the five organisms listed below are do not have vascular tissue. Select the exception. ferns liverworts mosses hornworts algae.
Four of the five plants listed below are heterosporous. Select the exception. angiosperms cycads ginko conifers mosses.
What group dominated the Carboniferous period and is nowburned as coal? angiosperms conifers cycads seedless vascular plants algae.
Increasingly complex land plants developed as the _____, more resistant to cooler, drier, to unfavorable conditions, became dominant. male gamete female gamete sporophyte gametophyte flower.
Which were the first organisms that did not require water for reproduction? angiosperms cycads whisk ferns lycophytes ferns.
Matching seed ferns ovule megaspore microspore pollination.
The largest phylum of gymnosperms includes the cycads gnetophytes ginkos palms conifers.
The gymnosperm whose extract has been used for weight loss is ´Gnetum´ ´Ephedra´ ´Pinus cotorta´ ´Ginko biloba´ ´Zamia´.
The ___ include ´Welwitschia´ in hot African deserts and ´Gnetum; of humid regions. cycads ginkos gnetophytes conifers seed ferns.
The spore type that produces pollen is the seed megaspore microspore sperm egg.
Angiosperms are more advanced than gymnosperms because gymnosperms lack which structure found in angiosperms? flowers independent sporophytes pollen grains spores seeds.
The initial, rapid expansion of angiosperms late in the Mesozoic is related to their coevolution with dinosaurs gymnosperms mammals birds insects.
The triploid tissue that results from double fertilization becomes the endosperm zygote new sporophyte gametophyte seed coat.
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