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Certified Sponsor

certified sponsor test

Soria Success
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Number of questions: 10
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Stacking is... forbiden by companies, family members should have a sponsor that's not part of the family and won't be on a lower level than anyone of the family. it's fine, as the money stays home it's legal and it's not legal, depends on company.
A sponsor is (please select only 1 answer) everyone in the net that I have some kind of relation everyone in the net that's above me first 2 persons above me the person who, standing above me, straightly, told me about the project and I filled inscription with.
A sponsor (please select only 1) cares to teach all he knows to his net, leading and coaching so they can duplicate leader's good habits. enrolls people, the more the better teachs basics so his downline can bring more people and spend money, so he can earn lot of money.
Telling: "It's really easy earning money, you have to do nothing, they pay you for enrolling, you get X from memberships" is.... (only 1 answer) right, fast and effective incorrect, disloyal and, probably, illegal it depends on company, but it's regular.
Choose right sentence (could be more than 1) Getting lots of people it's the best part of the business Working with little amount of people each time, helps me duplicate effectively If I enroll loads of people, sure I get one that makes me rich without moving a finger Knowing about my downline situation will guide me to help them properly so they can achieve their success, and, subsequently, mine.
Me, as sponsor (could be more than 1 answer) Choose carefully who I offer my project to. invest time in my downline, so they can learn to be good sponsors learn all that's needful to show and teach my group, even creating my own educational stuff I see referrals everywhere, everybody fits. Once I got one in, I relax, let him work for me.
complete sentences correctly stacking policy my affiliate are my duties as sponsor include being a leader is.
Certified Sponsor advantages are: (you could choose more than 1) I will be trustworth Loads of people will want to enroll with me I will give securuty to solve problems It'll be clearly seen I'm a correct person, legal, loyal, able to lead successfully I have proper education and experience, proffesionality. I earn loads of money.
As downline, I believe my sponsor (could be chosen more than 1 answer) will solve my doubts will teach me all I need to get my project ahead successfully, moreover, if I have no experience. will teach me how it works, and will take me out to sell it everybody will lead me on my first steps and, when he sees if I get many or no result, will leave alone it's the person I should work alike, to get my success.
Self-improvement books, or independent from the project education (could choose more than 1) are a waste of time, I have to go out and sell my business everybody are just book, they are fine, but won't make me earn money are motivational, personal growing. it's important reading them, and recommend them to the group are an extra that motivates, educate and make us grow individually and in group, even more, if I give them to the group, and we spend time talking about them.
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