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Selenium L2

Selenium L2
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The Assert method of JUnit does NOT allow you to specify The error message The Actual Result The Expected Result Value of variables.
The Exception: "No runnable methods" occurs when if you use the JUnit 4.4 core runner to execute a class that has no "@Test" method if you use the JUnit 3.4 core runner to execute a class that has no "@Test" method if you use the Junit 4 core runner to execute a class that has no "@Test" method If class has compilation errors.
The following framework is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks TestNG Junit Hybrid Nunit.
The following is not the interface of Junit? Protectable Test TestListener TestFailure.
The following is not the Junit annotatio? DataProvider Test AfterClass BeforeClass.
The following is NOT the use of the annotation in JUnit? Information for the compiler Initiating JRE Compiler-time and deployment-time processing Runtime processing.
The following test framework is used with Java programming language? TestNG UnitTest Nunit jxl.
The syntax to compile a Junit Test Class is? javac -cp junit-4.4.jar javac junit-4.4.jar javac -cp junit-4.4 javac -np junit-4.4.jar
We cannot do the following if we use Junit Framework with our Selenium 1 or Selenium 2 scripts We will not be able to define our own reporting format We cannot use reporting format other than XML & HTML We can define many reporting formats in our own way We can define many reporting formats in our own way but cannot add test data to reports.
What is the name of the package that you use for Junit import org.junit.*; import junit.*; import package.junit.*; import com.junit.*;.
Which of the following is a feature of JUnit Dependency between test cases Test cases can be prioritized Tests can be timed out Tests can be grouped.
CSS stands for Cascading Specification Sheets Consolidated Specification Sheets Cascading Style Sheets Consolidated Style Sheets.
Difference between single and double slash as first character in XPath / refers to root node // refers to root node / refers to a node anywhere in the node hierarchy // refers to node after root node.
DOM stands for Document Orientation Model Document Object Model Detailed Object Model Detailed Orientation Model.
How to denote the immediate child in CSS selectors? > . current-child Immediate child cannot be handled in CSS.
How to denote the parent element in XPath locator? parent() .. parent() and .. Cannot be referred in Xpath (It is XPath constraint).
In Xpath, indexing of element starts from -1 0 1 2.
Parent node is referred to in Xpath as . .. ^ @.
Selenium globbing pattern allows only asterisk and character class asterisk and class Dollar symbol and character class asterisk and dollar symbols.
The text pattern types that is NOT supported in Selenium is globbing regular expressions template exact.
The two ways of discovering the XPath of an element are ? Firebug and Xpath Checker FireBug and FireXpath Css and Firebug Inspect Element Tool and Firebug.
When locating by identifier, if no element has a matching id attribute No element is returned Element with matching name is returned Element with matching value is returned Element with matching text is returned.
Which of the following is NOT a valid locator type in Selenium? ID Name Value CSS.
Which of the following is NOT a Xpath operator + - * /.
Which of the following is not True about CSS locators? CSS locators are easy to read CSS locators are faster compared to XPath CSS locators can filter based on element text CSS locators do not work on Safari browser.
Which of the following is not True about CSS? CSS defines how HTML elements are to be displayed Styles were added in HTML 5 External CSS are stored in files CSS saves a lot of work.
Which of these locators is fastest in identifying web elements? XPath CSS ID DOM.
Which of these locators is NOT much readable comparitively? Id Identifier Name CSS.
The following are the main components of Selenium RC? Selenium Server and Client Libraries Client Libraries and Selenese commands Webdriver Selenium Core, Webdriver and Selenium Server.
The following is used to run the exported tests in any browser and any platform? Selenium 2 Selenium Webdriver Selenium Core Selenese.
The method that was used by Selenium initially to avoid the Same Origin Policy was Enable Same Origin Policy Proxy Injection Enable Origin Policy for all browsers SQL Injection.
Which of these Selenium components drive tests natively on browsers instead of using Javascript? Selenium IDE Selenium RC Selenium Webdriver Selenium Core.
Which Selenium component is used to execute single test method in multiple browsers? Selenium IDE Selenium Core Selenium Grid Selenium Web Driver.
Following is not the step to run automation using Selenium Record the scripts using Selenium IDE Run the test Modify the scripts according to the testing needs Viewing the results in the format specified.
How can we change the test recorded in Xpath to css locator? Using the drop down available next to Find in Selenium Using the css selector available next to Find in Selenium First enable the css selector and click on find button Select the element recorded using Xpath, enable the css selector and click on the Find Button.
How do we add checkpoints manually to our tests in Selenium IDE? Add Checkpoint Option Reference Section Context Menu Locator Builders.
How do you edit the recorded command in IDE? By selecting the command and choosing the desired value from drop-down. Edit->Recording Mode No option is available Record->Edit.
How to handle Ajax controls in Selenium? Using wait for condition command Using wait for command Using wait for page to load command Using wait for script to load command.
Reference Section of Selenium IDE is used for? To view the test execution Description of the commands Check for certain text Expected result of commands.
Selenium IDE generates commands using Keywords Selenium Commands Selenese Core.
Selenium IDE is less powerful in creation of scripts because Many actions are not recorded by IDE and have to be manually entered All the actions performed are recorded by IDE IDE does not record and we have to do complete scripting manually Looping has to be done manually.
Selenium IDE is the add on only for the following browser Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Safari Internet Explorer.
storeFooPresent(variable) does stores the text of the pop-up in a variable and returns true or false Stores the text of pop-up into some default variable stores the text of the pop-up in a variable Stores the text of pop-up as a constant.
The annotations generated with Junit 4 tests in Selenium IDE are NOT The @Before public void method() The @After public void method() The @Test public void method() The @Config public void method().
The deafult timeout value of recorded command is 3s-30ms 30s-300ms 300s-3000ms 30s-30000ms.
The plug in for Selenium Ide that stores the screen shots automatically on script failure is Capture Screen Shot Plugin ScreenShot on Fail plug in Failed Screen shot Plug in Screen Grabber Plug in.
The Selenium command to print the two variables in the same line is StoreVars PutVars GetVars echo.
The sequence of evaluation and flow control is done in Selenium IDE using Looping Constructs Conditional Statements User Extensions Assert Statements.
The three flavours of Selenium Commands are Command, Target, Value Assertions, Actions and Inputs Actions, Accessors and Assertions Core, Actions, Assertions.
The three modes in which we can use the Selenium Assertions are Assert, Verify and waitFor Assert, Verify and Assertions Assert, VerifyAssertion and waitFor assertAssertions, VerifyAssertions and waitFor.
What are the three major components of Selenium IDE? Command, Target, Input Command, Destination, Value Command, Target, Value Order, Target, Value.
What is Selenese? Selenium keywords Selenium commands Selenium Class Selenium scripting language.
What is the Selenium IDE plug in to run the Selenium Test Suite? Flex Pilot Whit Code Plexer Test Runner Test Suite Runner.
Where do we specify our user javascript extensions in Selenium IDE? Actions Menu File Menu Options Menu Preference Menu.
Which of the following is NOT a feature in Selenium IDE? Pause test Adjust speed of test Looping and conditional statements are allowed Variable can be defined.
Which of the following uses native JavaScript calls. Selenium Core Selenium IDE Selenium Grid Selenium Web Driver.
Which of the following we use to check the properties of a web page? Assert, Verify and Check commands Check and Assert commands Check and Verify commands Assert and Verify Commands.
Which of the following statements about Webdriver is correct? JSON over TCP protocol is used XML over TCP protocol is used JSON over HTTP protocol is used XML over HTTP protocol is used.
File upload is NOT supported by Internet Explorer Driver Firefox Driver Chrome Driver Safari Driver.
Headless' execution is done by Firefox Driver Internet Explorer Driver Chrome Driver HtmlUnit Driver.
The driver implementation which is NOT developed by seleniumhq Internet Explorer Driver Firefox Driver Chrome Driver Safari Driver.
The interface which represents a browser in Selenium Webdriver is Webdriver WebElement BrowserType DriverCommand.
The interface which represents a HTML element in Selenium Webdriver is Webdriver WebElement RemoteWebElement WrapsElement.
The method to get the value of a text field web element is getValue() getText() getAttribute() getTagName().
The method to mimic refresh of the current page is Webdriver.refresh() Webdriver.load() Webdriver.navigate() Webdriver.manage().
The method to type text into a web element is WebElement.type() WebElement.text() WebElement.sendKeys() WebElement.keyPress().
The Webdriver get() method Gets a web element Gets the text of a web element Loads a URL Launches a browser.
The Webdriver.getPageSource() method Gets the HTML source of first loaded page Gets the HTML source of last loaded page Gets the URL source of first loaded page Gets the URL source of last loaded page.
Using Selenium Server with non java language bindings is required for Firefox Driver Internet Explorer Driver Chrome Driver HtmlUnit Driver.
WebElement.clear() Clears the text of a label Clears the value of a textbox Deletes child elements of current web element Clears any hiding elements from view.
WebElement.getLocation() returns Top left hand corner point of web element Top right hand corner point of web element Bottom left hand corner point of web element Bottom right hand corner point of web element.
WebElement.isSelected() is NOT applicable for Checkboxes Options in a drop-down Menu Items Radio buttons.
Websockets mechanism is used by Internet Explorer Driver Firefox Driver Chrome Driver Safari Driver.
What is the difference between Webdriver.findElement() and Webdriver.findElements() methods for a given By mechanism? FindElement() finds child element whereas findElements() finds all elements in a page FindElement() finds first matching element whereas findElements() finds all elements in a page FindElement() finds last matching element whereas findElements() finds all elements in a page FindElement() finds last matching element whereas findElements() finds all child elements in a page.
When clicking on a web element loads a new page, which of the of the following is correct about method? Does not wait for the next page to load Click fails if a new page is loaded Attempts to wait until the page is loaded Blocks until page is loaded.
Which is the fastest implementation of WebDriver? Firefox Driver Internet Explorer Driver Chrome Driver HtmlUnit Driver.
Which method can be used to switch to a pop up window? Webdriver.switchTo() Webdriver.switchToWindow() Webdriver.selectWindow() Webdriver.navigate().
Which of the following browsers require a server to be started to use Webdriver? Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Safari.
Which of the following find mechanism is NOT supported by By class? Tag Name Class Name DOM CSS.
Which of the following is a replacement for Selenium RC? Selenium Webdriver Selenium Grid Selenium Server Selenium Core.
Which of the following is NOT a feature of Selenium Webdriver? Object oriented API Support for OS native applications Support for file upload Usage of browser's native support for automaton.
Which of the following is NOT a pre-condition to click a element using method? Element should be present Element should be visible Element should have height and width greater than 0 Clicking on the element should not load a new page.
Which of the following is NOT a WebElement method? isClicked() isDisplayed() isEnabled() isSelected().
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of Webdriver in comparison with Selenium RC? Object oriented API Executions are faster in Webdriver Realistic interaction with web elements Multiple languages support.
Which of the following methods is invalid? WebElement.findElement() Webdriver.findElement() ElementFinder.findElement() Webdriver.findElementById().
Which of the following statements about Webdriver is correct? Webdriver is not neutral, depends on platform and language Webdriver is neutral for platform, but depends on language Webdriver is neutral for language, but depends on platform Webdriver is platform and language neutral interface.
Which of the following statements about WebElement.getText() method is correct? Gets the visible and invisible text from a web element Gets the text of current web element including sub-elements Gets the text with leading and trailing whitespaces Gets the inner HTML along with text if sub-elements are present.
Which of the following statements is incorrect? Webdriver.close() closes only current window Webdriver.quit() closes all windows Webdriver.close() quits browser when only one window is open Webdriver.quit() fails if any window is open.
Select the diasadvantage of Selenium from the following Does not support Linux OS Does not support Opera browser Does not support embedded Flash objects in web pages Does not support Python scripting language.
Selenium automates Browsers Navigators URLs Native applications.
Selenium can be deployed on the following Operating Systems Windows, Linux Solaris, OS X Windows, Linux, Solaris and OS X Windows, Linux and Android.
Selenium does NOT support automation of HTML5 AJAX Flash Jquery.
Selenium provides test results in following format HTML XML Text Selenium does not provide test results.
The behavior of a web page is controlled by HTML CSS Xpath JavaScript.
The content of a web page is controlled by HTML CSS Xpath JavaScript.
The layout of a web page is controlled by HTML CSS Xpath JavaScript.
What is the open source license that Selenium comes with? GPL BSD 3 Apache License 2.0 MIT.
What tests can selenium do? Unit testing and Functional Functional and Regression Functional, Regression and Performance Integration and Regression.
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