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ERASED TEST, YOU MAY BE INTERESTED ONABAP 7.4 - Chapter 09 - Basic ABAP Programs and Interface

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ABAP 7.4 - Chapter 09 - Basic ABAP Programs and Interface

ABAP 7.4 - Chapter 09 - Basic ABAP Programs and Interface Creation

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The introductory statement must be the first statement in the program after the include programs are expanded during program generation. It can only appear once in the program. Introductory program statements include the following: (There are seven correct answers) Executable programs (REPORT) Module pools (PROGRAM) Function groups (FUNCTION-POOL) Class pools (CLASS-POOL) Interface pools (INTERFACE-POOL) Subroutine pools (PROGRAM), which are now considered obsolete Type groups (TYPE-POOL) Special pools (LOGIC-POOL) Atualization pools (DATABASE-POOL).
What is correct to say about Type groups: (There are four correct answers) Known as type pools (program type T) Stand-alone programs from a logical point of view They do not contain executable code but only contain type definitions and constant definitions Type groups have their own introductory program statement, the TYPE-POOL They contain executable code and also type definitions and constant definitions Type groups don't have their own introductory program statement.
When you create a program, the ABAP Workbench automatically generates the introductory statement from the program type: True False.
The keywords FUNCTION-POOL, CLASS-POOL, INTERFACE-POOL, and TYPE-POOL should only be generated by the corresponding tools of the ABAP Workbench: True False.
What is correct to say about FUNCTION-POOL: (There are two correct answers) The creation of a function group also automatically generates the main program, including the top include containing the FUNCTION-POOL statement. The complete name of the program for a function group in the Repository consists of the prefix SAPL and the name of the function pool (function group). The creation of a function group also automatically generates the main program, not including the top include containing the FUNCTION-POOL statement. The complete name of the program for a function group in the Repository consists of the prefix SAFP and the name of the function pool (function group).
Each ABAP program is divided into processing blocks. Each accessible statement of an ABAP program that does not belong in the global declaration section belongs to a processing blockThe possible processing blocks are: (There are three correct answers) Procedures (Methods, Function modules, Subroutines) Dialog modules (exclusively for Dynpros) Event blocks Declaration block Exception block Global declaration section.
What is correct to say about Exceptions: (There are three correct answers) Class-based exceptions can be declared using RAISING for all procedures (methods,function modules, and subroutines) and can then be propagated from the procedure EXCEPTIONS can be used in methods and function modules to define non-class-based exceptions, which can then be triggered in the procedure using only RAISE The older exceptions, that were MESSAGE-based, could only exist in function modules or methods. The class-based exceptions are obsolet A single procedure can use only one type—not both.
What is correct to say about parameters: (There are four correct answers) A pass by reference parameter provides a pointer to the original data object in memory, and the procedure operates directly on the original object A pass by value parameter copies the value to a new data object or, in the case of a changing parameter, copies it once when called and once again upon completion In ABAP, pass by reference is always quicker because no local object is created and no data transport is necessary when calling the procedure For performance reasons, pass by value is usually preferred For situations where robustness and data consistency are important, pass by reference is usually preferred Only pass by value can be specified for the obsolete table parameters in either subroutines or function modules Pass by value is mandatory for the return value of functional methods, the output parameters of events in ABAP Objects, and all formal parameters of function modules that are either RFC-enabled or are update modules.
What is correct to say about event blocks: (There are three correct answers) Are units of code that are executed in a sequence determined by external events The sequence in which the processing blocks occur in the program is irrelevant Are started using an event keyword and ended by END. Within every event block, you can also declare local data types or data objects The event blocks AT SELECTION-SCREEN and GET are implemented internally as procedures and can contain local data.
Event blocks can be grouped by type. The event types that exist are: Program constructor event Reporting event Selection screen event List event.
What is correct to say about the event block LOAD-OF-PROGRAM: (There are three correct answers) Triggered when the program is initially loaded into memory Triggered for all program types This can be useful to initialize or instantiate a data object when the program begins only once or to indicate to an external process that the program has started The event is triggered everytime, before all events of a program The only event that can occur before this is INITIALIZATION.
What is correct to say about the event block INITIALIZATION: (There are two correct answers) Triggered by the actual start of the program and before the selection screen processing of any existing standard selection screen The event is only triggered once, before any other event of a program When an executable program defines that a standard selection screen is called again by the ABAP runtime environment after an execution, the INITIALIZATION event is triggered again.
What is correct to say about the event block START-OF-SELECTION: (There is one correct answer) This event keyword is triggered when the program has completed all selection screen events This event is triggered by the actual start of the program and before the selection screen processing of any existing standard selection screen This event keyword is triggered when the program is initially loaded into memory.
What is correct to say about the report GET event: (There are four correct answers) It defines an event block whose result is triggered by the ABAP runtime environment if the logical database to which the programis linked provides data in the work area node The GET node also controls the behavior of the logical database The event blocks after GET are implemented internally as procedures Declarative statements in GET event blocks create global data GET event blocks follow the START-OF-SELECTION event and are followed by the event block END-OF-SELECTION.
What is correct to say about the report event block END-OF-SELECTION: (There are two correct answers) In this report event block, all data read by the logical database can be processed In an executable program without a logical database, there is no need to implement the event block END-OF-SELECTION In an executable program without a logical database, it ismandatory to implement the event block END-OF-SELECTION.
What is correct to say about the statement AT SELECTION-SCREEN: (There are three correct answers) It defines event blocks that are triggered by the ABAP runtime environment during selection screen processing The event AT SELECTIONSCREEN is the basic form of a whole series of events that occur while the selection screen is being processed This event keyword is triggered when the program has completed all selection screen events. This can be useful to initialize or instantiate a data object when the program begins Selection screen events occur immediately before sending a selection screen, after certain user actions on a displayed selection screen (for example, ON VALUE REQUEST or ON HELP REQUEST), or prior to proceeding to the START-OF-SELECTION event during execution.
What is correct to say about the list creation event TOP-OF-PAGE: (There are two correct answers) Triggered by the ABAP runtime environment during the creation of a basic list if there is a line reservation in the addition LINE-COUNT of the initiating statement for a page footer This occurs when a new page is started—that is, immediately before the first line in a new page is to be output All list outputs that take place in the event block are placed below the standard page header of the list You can also output more lines than are available in the page within the event block, and the NEW-PAGE statement is ignored within this event block.
What is correct to say about the list creation event END-OF-PAGE: (There are three correct answers) Triggered by the ABAP runtime environment during the creation of a basic list if there is a line reservation in the addition LINE-COUNT of the initiating statement for a page footer A list output that takes place in the event block is placed in this area Output statements that exceed the reserved area will be ignored You can also output more lines than are available in the page within the event block, and the NEW-PAGE statement is ignored within this event block.
What is correct to say about the screen list event AT LINE-SELECTION: (There are three correct answers) Triggered by the ABAP runtime environment during the creation of a basic list if there is a line reservation in the addition LINE-COUNT of the initiating statement for a page footer Triggered by the ABAP runtime environment, provided the screen cursor is on a list line and you select a function using the function code Pick (or press (F2) or double-click on a list line) This was often used to provide drill-down capability or to provide additional detail During the line selection process, any fields output or placed on the line with the Hide command are returned to their respective global data objects This can be useful to initialize or instantiate a data object when the program begins only.
What is correct to say about the screen list event AT AT USER-COMMAND: (There is one correct answer) Triggered by the ABAP runtime environment during the creation of a basic list if there is a line reservation in the addition LINE-COUNT of the initiating statement for a page footer Triggered by the ABAP runtime environment, provided the screen cursor is on a list line and you select a function using the function code Pick (or press (F2) or double-click on a list line) Triggered by the ABAP runtime environment if, during the display of a screen list, a function with a self-defined function code was chosen.
What is correct to say about Basic ABAP Statements: (There are three answers) The ABAP syntax is platform-independent The only type of upward compatibility issue would be related to changing from a non-Unicode system to a Unicode system Applications implemented in ABAP will also be able to run in future releases owing to the upward compatibility of the language The ABAP syntax is platform-dependent Applications implemented in ABAP will not be able to run in future releases owing to the upward compatibility of the language.
For the ABAP syntax the following general rules apply: (There are four correct answers) ABAP programs consist of individual sentences (statements) The first word in a statement is called the ABAP keyword, although the keyword may be optional (COMPUTE, for example) Each statement ends with a period Words must always be separated by at least one space Statements cannot be indented ABAP keywords, additions, and operands are case sensitive.
For the ABAP syntax the following general rules apply: (There are two correct answers) Statements cannot extend beyond one line You cannot place several statements on a single line Lines beginning with an asterisk (*) in the first column are recognized as comment lines and ignored Double quote marks (") indicate that the remainder of the line is a comment.
What is correct to say about modularization and local modularization: (There are four correct answers) A modularization unit is a part of a program where a particular function is encapsulated It divides the overall task into subfunctions, which are the responsibility of the corresponding modularization unit It simplifies both program maintenance and future design changes It is possible to provide modularization only globally You have just one technic for local program modularization: subroutines (form routines) Local modularization units, by definition, are available only in the program in which they are implemented.
What is correct to say about global modularization: (There are three correct answers) There are two techniques for global modularization: function modules and methods within global classes Global modularization units cannot be used by more than one program at the same time The globally defined modularization units are stored in the ABAP Repository and all modularizated units are loaded when the systen starts. Ideally, the modularization units that are called do not use the data objects of the calling program directly. This principle is known as data encapsulation Parameters are used to exchange data between the calling code and the modularization unit. The total number of parameters in a modularization unit is called the interface or signature.
What is correct to say about ABAP Subroutine: (There are four correct answers) It is introduced with the FORM statement, the name of the subroutine and the interface comes after FORM, the statements of the subroutine follow the FORM statement and the ENDPERFORM statement concludes the subroutine You must specify the pass type for each parameter: Call by value: USING VALUE, Call by value and result: CHANGING VALUE, Call by reference: CHANGING or USING (although CHANGING is recommended if the contents are changed) You must specify the additions TABLES, USING, CHANGING, and RAISING, in this order With the addition of RAISING, class-based exceptions can be passed, which are triggered in the subroutine or propagated to the subroutine by the ABAP runtime environment or by using the statement RAISE EXCEPTION handled in a TRY block Internal tables should be passed with either USING or CHANGING The other advantage of using one of these is that you can pass internal tables other than standard tables, for example sorted or hashed. We recommend that all parameters for any type of modularization unit be typed. Typing provides additional syntax checking during activation and provides faster execution during runtime.
Connect the types of components that can be placed in a function group with their purpose: Data object Subroutine Screens.
As for subroutines, a function module can contain its own local types and data object definitions. These can only be seen within the function module. ou should type interface parameters with types from the ABAP Dictionary. The interface of a function module can contain the following elements. Connect them to their purpose: Import parameter Export parameter Changing parameter Tables parameter(obsolete) Exceptions.
What is correct to say abut logical expressions within a Function Module: (There are three correct answers) You can use the logical expression IS SUPPLIED to see if an actual parameter was set for a formal parameter during a call The new logical expression IS REQUESTED should be used, instead the older one IS SUPPLIED The expression IS REQUESTED can be used with all optional parameters The logical expression IS SUPPLIED can be used with all optional parameters The expression IS INITIAL should not be used because it does not take into account that a default value was used.
What is correct to say about Function Modules: (There are three correct answers) If a program calls a function module, the entire corresponding function group is loaded into the same internal session as the calling program, and the function module is executed The function group remains loaded in memory until the calling program is closed When you call another function module of this group, it is processed with needing to be reloaded, and the global data are initialized If you call a function module that stores values in a global data object of the function group, other function modules in the same group can access this data when they are called during the same program All export parameters are mandatory.
What is correct to say about ABAP Classes and Methods: (There are five correct answers) They contain global data objects known as properties and all methods can access the properties of their classes Methods also provide the ability to return a value, which allows the call to be placed within either a COMPUTE statement or a logical expression Attributes are also normally encapsulated within the class and can therefore only be read or changed using methods of the same class Classes also allow you to make specific attributes visible to the users of the class. A distinction is therefore made between public and private attributes.This distinction is applied not only to attributes, but also to methods Only private methods are available outside the class. Public methods can only be called by other methods of the same class A class can have several instances, all instances are stored together in the program context of the main program Static attributes exist only once for each program context, regardless of how many class instances are generated. If instance methods access a static attribute, all instances see the same value Every parameter is required to be typed.
What is correct to say about ABAP Selection Screen: (There are four correct answers) From a technical perspective, selection screens are Dynpros.However, they are not designed by the developer directly, but are generated in accordance with declarative statements in the source code Text on the selection screen can be maintained in several languages. At runtime the text is automatically displayed in the language that was defined in the report program The system checks types must be done by the AT-USER-EVENT In addition to single value entries (PARAMETERS), you can also implement complex selections (SELECT-OPTIONS) on the selection screen If the input field is defined using an ABAP Dictionary element, the field documentation can be displayed on the input field by pressing the (F1) function key. The value help attached to the ABAP Dictionary type displaying possible inputs can be called up by pressing the (F4) function key. It is also possible for the label (selection text) to use the long text of the data element You can easily save the values (or calculation in the case of a dynamic date or time calculation) of complicated selection screens as selection screen variants for reuse or use in background processing.
What is correct to say about Authorization Checks: (There are four correct answers) You have to implement authorization checks in your program so that users can only access areas for which they are authorized Use the AUTHORITY-VERIFY statement to check the authorization required. If the return(SY-SUBRC) code equals 0 (zero), then the user has the required authorization Authorization objects can also be defined in report transaction codes to provide additional restrictions other than simply by transaction code An object usually consists of the ACTVT (activity) field and one or several other fields, which specifies the data type to be protected (for example, material number, organizational unit, account number, and so on) If you do not want to carry out a check for a field, either do not enter it in the AUTHORITY-CHECK statement or enter DUMMY as the field value. DUMMY is a predefined description entered without quotation marks.
What is correct to say about ABAP Dynpros: (There are three correct answers) Designed by the developer directly through the use of the Dynpro Painter In theory, there are two options for starting a screen sequence: By calling the first screen (using the CALL SCREEN statement) from a processing block in your program or by creating a dialog transaction that references the program and the first screen A formal next screen of 0 (zero) returns processing to the point where the screen was called or ends the dialog transaction Screens can appear in executable programs, function groups, or module pools A screen consists only of its layout with input and output fields, buttons, and other screen elements.
What is correct to say about ABAP Dynpros: (There are four correct answers) When a screen is displayed for a user, the presentation server performs all interactions until a function is selected The field OK_CODE normally refer to function keys, or corresponds to a button on the application toolbar, a menu or Enter. You normally name this field and provide a global field with the same name to receive the value in your program. The field should be defined to use the type SY-UCOMM The statement SHOW SCREEN accesses the Dynpros If the specified Dynpro does not exist in the main program of the program group, the sap easy access is displayed The maximum popup level is 10 If, during the processing of a modal dialog box, a new Dynpro sequence is called, it must be started in another popup level. You cannot use the statement CALL SCREEN without adding STARTING AT in this case When calling a Dynpro in a dialog window, specify the window as a modal dialog window in its properties and set an appropriate GUI status beforehand. We recommend that a Dynpro sequence in a modal dialog window consist of only one Dynpro.
What is correct to say about Dialog Messages: (There are four correct answers) You use the MESSAGE statement to send dialog messages to the users of your program When you do this with an actual message defined from a message class, you must specify at least a two-digit message number, the message class, and the type of the message. It is also possible to provide the text of the message or just the type of the message If the introductory statement of a program contains the addition MESSAGE-ID id and your message to be displayed is of the same class, you can use the short form of the message statement without specifying the class You use the message type (either A, E, I, S, W, or X) to define how the ABAP runtime should process the message If the specified message contains placeholders (specified as either & or &#, where # is 1, 2, 3, or 4), you can supply them with values from your program by using the COMPARING addition There can only be up to four placeholders, and if a number is part of the placeholder, it specifies the order in which the placeholders are filled.
Choose the appropriate message type for the following program behavior: The message appears in a dialog box, and the program terminates. When the user has confirmed the message, control returns to the next-highest area menu A Termination E Error I Information S Status W Warning X Exit.
Choose the appropriate message type for the following program behavior: Depending on the program context, an error dialog appears or the program terminates A Termination E Error I Information S Status W Warning X Exit.
Choose the appropriate message type for the following program behavior: The message appears in a dialog box. Once the user has confirmed the message, the program continues immediately after the MESSAGE statement A Termination E Error I Information S Status W Warning X Exit.
Choose the appropriate message type for the following program behavior: The program continues normally after the MESSAGE statement, and the message is displayed in the status bar of the next screen. A Termination E Error I Information S Status W Warning X Exit.
Choose the appropriate message type for the following program behavior: Depending on the program context, a warning dialog appears or the program terminates A Termination E Error I Information S Status W Warning X Exit.
Choose the appropriate message type for the following program behavior: No message is displayed, and the program terminates with a short dump. Program terminations with a short dump normally only occur when a runtime error occurs. Message type X allows you to force a program termination. The short dump contains the message ID A Termination E Error I Information S Status W Warning X Exit.
Talking about special situations with the statement MESSAGE.One unique context is when you have no screen. Group 1= LOAD-OF-PROGRAM, PBO module of screens, AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. Select the correct bahavior to each message type in GROUP 1 cases: A Dialog box E Dialog box I Status line of the next screen S Status line of next screen W Status line of the next screen X None.
Talking about special situations with the statement MESSAGE.One unique context is when you have no screen. Group 2 = Reporting and list events (INITIALIZATION, START-OF-SELECTION, GET, ENDOF-SELECTION, TOP-OF-PAGE, and END-OF-PAGE) Select the correct bahavior to each message type in GROUP 2 cases: A Dialog box E Status line of current window I Dialog box S Status line of next screen W Status line of the current window X None.
Talking about special situations with the statement MESSAGE. Another unique context includes all situations where a screen is being processed; that is, the program is reacting to user input. In ABAP programs, this means all Process After Input (PAI) modules. Select the message behavior during PAI. A Dialog box E Status line I Dialog box S Status line W Status line X none.
Talking about special situations with the statement MESSAGE. A unique context includes all situations where a selection screen is being processed; that is, the program is reacting to user input. In ABAP programs, this corresponds to the AT SELECTION-SCREEN processing blocks, except those with the OUTPUT addition. Select the correct message behavior: A Dialog box E Status line I Dialog box S Status line W Status line X none.
Talking about special situations with the statement MESSAGE. A unique context includes all situations where a list is being processed; that is,the program is reacting to user interaction with lists. In ABAP programs, this includes the following processing blocks: AT LINE-SELECTION, AT USER-COMMAND, AT PFnn, TOP-OF-PAGE DURING LINE-SELECTION A Dialog box E Status line I Dialog box S Status line W Status line X none.
What is correct to say about MESSAGE: (There are four correct answers) Messages have two different functions in function modules and methods: Normal message and Warning message If you use messages in function modules and methods without the RAISING addition in the MESSAGE statement, the message is handled normally according to the context in which it is called within the function module or method. If you use messages in function modules and methods with the addition RAISING exc in the MESSAGE statement, the way the message is handled depends on whether the calling program catches the exception exc or not If the calling program does not catch the exception, the message is displayed and handled according to the context in which it occurs in the function module or method from which it was called. This, again, is as if the error occurred where the call to the function module or method was made If the calling program catches the exception, the message is not displayed. Instead, the procedure is interrupted in accordance with the message type, and processing returns to the calling program. The contents of the message are placed in the system fields SY-MSGID, SY-MSGTY, SY-MSGNO, and SY-MSGV1 through SY-MSGV4.
ABAP is a programming language that… (Select all that apply.) (There are four correct answers) Executes on all three levels of the three-tier architecture Controls the business logic Processes and formats data Interacts with the user Separates program code from language text.
Which events can exist in all types of programs that actually contain executable statements LOAD-OF-PROGRAM INITIALIZATION START-OF-SELECTION AT LINE-SELECTION AT USER-COMMAND AT PF##.
Dynpros can be placed in which program types? Select all that apply. (There are three correct answers) Executables Module pools Function groups Class pools.
A change request is part of a task. True False.
Which statements about ABAP are true? Each statement must begin with a keyword Each statement must end with a period ABAP keywords and additions must be in uppercase.
A development object can be assigned to only one package: True False.
A development object can be assigned to only one change request True False.
Each ABAP program that actually contains executable statements… (Select all that apply.) (There are two correct answers) Is divided into processing blocks Assigns every executable statement to a processing block regardless of it being in a processing block Only assigns executable statements in a processing block to a processing block Uses event blocks to trigger events in ABAP Has declarative statements outside of processing blocks that are considered local Has declarative statements inside of processing blocks that are considered local Can be tested from the ABAP Workbench by pressing (F8).
Which modularization units can raise an exception? Select all that apply Function modules Methods Subroutines (FORM routines).
Which types of programs or parts of programs can be tested directly from the ABAP Workbench or ABAP Editor? Select all that apply. (There are four correct answers) REPORT PROGRAM FUNCTION-POOL FUNCTION MODULE CLASS-POOL METHOD INTERFACE-POOL TYPE-POOL INCLUDE.
Which method of passing parameters is preferred for its performance? Pass by reference Pass by value.
Which modularization units are global? Select all that apply (There are two correct answers) Function modules Subroutines (FORM routines) Methods within a local class in the program Methods within class pools.
FORM routines (subroutines) can be used in which program types? Select all that apply (There are four correct answers) Executables Module pools Function groups Class pools Interface pools Subroutine pools Type groups.
You can use the logical expression IS SUPPLIED for any formal parameter passed to which modularization unit? Select all that apply Subroutine (FORM routine) Function module Static method Instance method.
A selection screen can only be defined in an executable program True False.
Subroutines provide which types of parameters? Select all that apply (There are two correct answers) Input Output Input/output (changing) Return values Exceptions.
Function modules provide which types of parameters? Select all that apply. (There are four correct answers) Input Output Input/output (changing) Return values Exceptions.
Methods provide which types of parameters? Select all that apply. Input Output Input/output (changing) Return values Exceptions.
It is not possible to test a function module if another function module of the same function group contains a syntax error. True False.
Each button on a Dynpro (screen) requires the assignment of a functioncode. This function code… Is used to define global variables that receive a value when the button is clicked. Can be used to identify when the button is clicked by looking for the function code in the screen’s OK_CODE field Prevents the function code from be assigned to a menu item.
Which message types behave the same regardless of the context in which they are called? Select all that apply. (There are two correct answers) A E I S W X.
Authorizations are handled automatically during access to the database interface to restrict data access of the user True False.
Each ABAP program starts with an introductory statement. Which statements are correct? Select all that apply (There are two correct answers) The introductory statement must be the first line in the program The introductory statement must be the first statement in the program The introductory statement must never be modified. The introductory statement can be modified.
If a user has an object locked in a task within a request (transport), then no one else can change it until the task and request are released True False.
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