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TAW10 2B

xavi araiza
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What are different ways of obtaining input help for a field ? Choose the correct answers. search help can be attached directly to field of structure or table. If a field has a check table , its contents are automatically offered as posible values in the inpunt help. The values in the database Will the automatically offered as posible values in the input help. The posible values are defined by data element.
In every search help at least one an ______ paramet must be defined for the data transfer Choose the correct answer EXPORT IMPORT.
The search helps that combine several search paths are called_______ collective search helps hedden search helps elementary search helps.
SAP collective serach helps often contain elementary search helps that are not required by all customers. The search helps you do not need can be hedden using______ Chooose the correct answer Hidden search helps Append search helps Collective search helps.
Selection screens serve as an interface between the program and the user. and allow the user to limit the amount of data read from the database Determine whether this statement is true or false True False.
2. Which of the following statements declare selection screen objects? DATA PARAMETERS SELECT-OPTIONS.
You can deliver default values for the selection screen fields of a report of a logical database during the_____ evento. Choose the correct answer. INITIALIZATION AT SELECTION-SCREEN START-OF-SELECTION.
If you hide a parameter ,any associated comment text is also hidden. Determine whether this statement is true or false True False.
You can supply any additional selection screens with default values at INITIALIZATION. Determine whether this statement is true or false True False .
When working with tabstips on a selection screen, you can delay linking a tab title with a particular subscreen until runtime. Determine whether this statement is true or false True False .
The current SAP screen programming model is single-sreen transaction .Which of the following characteristics best describes this model ? Choose the correct answers The input screen and data screen are combined in one window It is easy to switch between Create. Change ,and Display mode The system retains contex after saving. Program coding using one include program is possible Directed access to the objects is possible.
A module pool program requires at least one transacyin code in which you specify an initial screen. Determine whether this statement is true or false True False.
Process After Input (PAI) is processed after a user interaction on the screen. Determine whether this statement is true or false True False.
Call Module statements can be found in the flow logic of a dialog program. Determine whether this statement is true or false True False.
The _____ processor controls the Flow logic on a screen Choose the correct answer ABAP DYNP .
Dynamic changes to the atributes of screen elements can be done using the LOOP AT SCREEN … ENDLOOP block with a MODIFY SCREEN statement in a PBO module. Determine whether this statement is true or false True False.
A screen sequence in inserted using the ___ statement Choose the correct answer CALL SCREEN SET SCREEN NEXT SCREEN.
If you omit the_______addition in a CALL SCREEN statement.the size of the dialog box is determined by the size used in its screen attribute. Choose the correct answer ENDING AT STARTING AT.
Which of the following maka up a GUI status ? Choose the correct answers Menu bar Standard toolbar Application toolbar Title bar Function key settings.
You can create functions only with dynamic texts. Determine whether this statement is true or false True False.
Which of the following types of keys can be found key assignment. Choose the correct answers. Reserved function keys Recommended function keys Fastpath keys Freely assigned function key .
You can use variables in GUI titles which are set dynamically at runtime by including the “&” symbol Determine whether this statement is true or false True False.
Menu bars and application toolbars are independent elements within a program . You can reuse them from a GUI status with __ Choose the correct answer. reference technique technical atributes status bar .
When the user triggers a function using a button , the relevant function code is tranferred into the OK field of the screen. Determine whether this statement is true or false True False.
The User can change the labels in the fields at runtime. Determine whether this statement is true or false. True False.
Underscores are interpreted as separators between two words of the same text field. Determine whether thid statement is true or false. True False .
The ______________ and _______________ atributes are selected by default when we create a status icon and these atributes cannot be changed. Choose the correct answers. Invisible Output field Intensified 2 Dimensional.
To change the group box text dynamically , which of the following steps are requeried? Choose the correct answers. Select the Output field attribute of the group box. Use text elements. Create global data field in the ABAP programa whith the same name and assign a value to this global data field. Use an ‘&’ in the group box text attribute and assign the text during runtime using a function module.
. Automatic field input checks in an input field are related to their data type. Determine whether this statement is true or false. True False.
The user can values freely in dropdown boxes. True False.
When the user selects one _____________ , al lof the others are automatically deselected. Choose the correct answer. checkbox radio button.
When you assign a function code to a radio button group, the system then assign the same function code to all the radio buttons in that group. Determine whether this statement is true or false. True False.
When a user chooses a pushbutton, the system can tell which function is chosen by checking the OK_CODE field. Determine whether this statement is true or false. True False.
.You can specify an icon for the pushbutton either statically, or dynamically using the function module ICON_CREATE. Determine whether this statement is true or false. True False.
Developers can define a SET/GET Parameter ID in the ABAP Workbench. Determine whether this statement is true or false. True False.
Automatic field input check occurs ____ the processing of Process After Input (PAI) mudules Choose the correct answer before after during.
The ON INPUT additiion is used in a MODULE statement if the module shall only be processed if the value of the field content is initial Determine whether this statement is true or false. True False.
The back function differs from the Cancel function in its dialog behavior Determine whether this statement is true or false True False.
In a Single Screen Transaction the____ function displays the screen with initialized data fields and allows the user to select a next object. Choose the correct answer. Back Exit Cancel.
If a field has input help the possible entries pushbutton appears in its left. Determine whether this statement is true or false True False.
single main screen includes only one subscreen Determine wheter thid statement is true or false. True False.
You must call a subscreen in ____________ section(s) of the Flow logic of thr main screen. Choose the correct answer. both Process Before Output (PBO) and Process After Input (PAI). either PBO or PAI.
When including a subscreen of a function group the subscreen call ( at PBO) must occur before the function module call Determine whether this statement is true or false. True False.
Tabstrip controls allow users to navigate freely between screens. Determine whether this statement is true or false True False.
The developer can créate more tab titles by choosing the _____ element in the Screen Painter Choose the correct answer. Pushbutton Subscreen .
Local scrolling in tabstrip controls is appropriate for display transactions. Determine whether this statement is true or false. True False.
In the _____ processing block, the program sets the correponding screen. Choose the correct answer. Process Before Output (PBO ) Process After input (PAI).
Empty subscreens always exist in tabstrip contrl pages Determine whether this statement is true or false. True False.
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