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The average retention span of the short term memory is about - Select one 15 to 30 seconds 1 minute 5 to 10 seconds 3 minutes.
The most common cause of pilot incapacitation during flight is - Select one heart attack food or drink poisoning [gastro -intestinal disorders] blocked sinus passages dehydration.
Select the period of the day when the average person will find it most difficult to stay awake - Select one midday to 2 pm 9 am to midday 3 am to 5 am 10 pm to 2 am.
The organ in the inner ear which converts the mechanical energy of vibration to electrical impulses is Select one the cochlea the vestibular system the semicircular canals the hammer, anvil and stirrup.
. One of the functions of the outer ear is to - Select one prevent the pilot's cap from slipping down over his/her eyes equalise the pressure on either side of the eardrum mediate the sense of balance protect the eardrum from intrusions of insects, dust etc.
Alcohol is classed as a - Select one analgesic depressant stimulant sedative.
The best order of priorities for tasks during flight is - Select one aviate, navigate, communicate aviate, communicate, navigate navigate, aviate, communicate communicate, navigate, aviate .
Obesity can lead to - Select one low blood pressure high blood pressure fainting attacks shortage of breath.
A function of the middle ear is to - Select one amplify the vibrations arriving at the eardrum and transfer them to the cochlea convert the mechanical energy of vibrations to nerve impulses protect the eardrum from the intrusion of foreign bodies assist in maintaining the sense of balance .
Select the situation which will always be accompanied by an increase in positive G load - Select one any manoeuvre in which the aircraft's nose is above the horizon any manoeuvre which requires extra power increased IAS in a dive any manoeuvre which requires the pilot to pull back on the control column.
Dehydration is more likely to be experienced after several hours at - Select one at low altitude on a humid day at low altitude on any day high altitude on a dry day at high altitude on a humid day.
When suffering from hypoxia at high level in an unpressurised aircraft, the pilot or passengers feel no unpleasant suffocating sensation because - Select one in the absence of physical exertion, there is no change in the carbon dioxide level in the blood so the brain does not respond the drop in partial pressure of oxygen is accompanied by a similar drop in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide there is a subconscious increase in breathing rate to compensate for the dropping ambient atmospheric pressure the heart rate increases to increase the blood flow to the brain to compensate for the dropping ambient atmospheric pressure.
The symptoms of dehydration include - Select one 'runny' eyes and nose stomach cramps and a high temperature drying of the nasal passages and a itchy sensation in the eyes profuse sweating.
Select the technique which would contribute most to good team problem solving performance - Select one stand steadfastly by your own aims and opinions and don't be swayed by others each member of the team is asked for an opinion before the captain makes the final decision trust your personal feelings about an issue rather than logic always take a vote on final decisions to ensure that everyone on the team is happy.
The component of blood which is most directly involved in the transport of oxygen throughout the body is - Select one: the red blood cells the white blood cells haemoglobin the plasma.
The function of the ciliary muscles in the eye is to - Select one move the eye from left to right in the socket change the size of the pupil to vary the amount of light entering the eye alter the shape of the lens to allow the eye to focus on objects at various distances move the eyelids to produce blinking.
The brain perceives the body's orientation in space by - Select one combining and comparing visual, vestibular and postural cues processing information from the inner ear [vestibular cues] processing information from the eyes [visual cues] processing information from the skeletal muscles and joints [postural cues].
Very high transient [short duration] G loads can be tolerated with little effect because - Select one the brain can continue to function without oxygen until the increased heart rate compensates high G load forces freshly oxygenated blood to the brain the brain can continue to function for a few seconds on the residual oxygen which was present before the onset of the G load the heart responds immediately to the onset of high G loads by pumping faster.
The two different types of light sensitive elements on the retina are classified as - Select one rods which are sensitive to colour and cones which work best in dim light rods and cones both of which respond equally to all lighting conditions rods and cones both of which are responsible for colour vision cones which are sensitive to colour and rods which work best in dim light.
To lower your risk of heart disease, you should avoid - Select one increasing your smoking having a positive attitude and avoiding emotional stress choosing a low salt, low cholesterol diet being moderate with alcohol.
The long term memory performs best when the information is presented - Select one: with the aid of over -head projector slides as a series of unrelated single items in one large block by association with previous items already stored in the long term memory.
The type of human errors which feature most commonly in aircraft accidents are - Select one errors caused through lack of experience on type errors of judgement or poor decision making errors caused through lack of theoretical knowledge errors in manipulating the flying controls [handling errors] .
A likely cause of disorientation is - Select one poor lighting reducing the amount of visual information received a change in the information coming from the inner ear a rapid transition from level flight to a steep climb a conflict or ambiguity in the information coming from visual, vestibular and postural cues.
The period of validity of a medical certificate unless otherwise cancelled or suspended is - Select one 4 years for student and private pilot licences [for pilots under 40 years of age] and 1 year for commercial licences 1 year for student and 2 years for private pilot licences and commercial licences 2 years for all classes of licence 2 years for student and 1 year for private pilot licences and commercial licences.
When light passes through the lens it is brought to focus at the back of the eyeball on the - Select one: corne retina iris optic nerve.
Good leadership in a group is characterised by - Select one medium personal attention and medium task orientation medium personal attention and high task orientation high personal attention and medium task orientation high personal attention and high task orientation.
The average rate at which the body resynchronises to local time after travelling through a large change in longitude is - Select one: 6 hours per day 4 hours per day 1.5 hours per day 8 hours per day.
The human brain is often considered analogous to a computer. The order in which it processes any input received is - Select one: response, sensation, perception, decision sensation, perception, decision, response perception, response, decision, sensation decision, sensation, perception, response.
An effect of a sustained high positive G load is - Select one a slowing of the heart beat a decreased flow of oxygenated blood to the brain an irregular heart beat an increased flow of oxygenated blood to the brain.
In sensing the orientation of the body in space, the brain assigns the highest priority to information coming from - Select one: the middle ear the proprioceptive system the eyes the inner ear.
The blind spot is - Select one: the area of the lens which is screened by the iris an area on the cornea which does not respond to light the black spot in the centre of the coloured section of the eye at the junction of the optic nerve and the retina.
For the average male, the rate at which alcohol can be metabolised is equivalent to one - Select one standard drink every fifteen minutes standard drink every two hours standard drink every thirty minutes standard drink every hour.
The most important process by which alcohol is removed from the body after the consumption of alcoholic drinks is - Select one: through expiration [the breath] via the kidneys as urine through chemical breakdown in the liver [metabolism] through perspiration [sweating].
The transfer of oxygen to the blood stream during respiration depends most directly upon - Select one the volume of oxygen inhaled with each breath the breathing rate the partial pressure of oxygen within the lungs the percentage of lung capacity achieved with each breath [depth of breathing].
Select the statement which is true concerning the short term memory's susceptibility to error - Select one it is free of error it is very susceptible to error it is more susceptible to error in the young it is almost free of error.
After a non-stop flight through a 90° change in longitude, the time required for the body rhythms to fully readjust to the destination's local time would be closest to - Select one: 10 days 12 days 1 day 4 days.
. Hyperventilation is likely to result in - Select one a change in the acidity of the blood caused by a drop in carbon dioxide levels severe headaches and vomiting sinus pain and discomfort in the middle ear lightheadedness associated with an increase in carbon dioxide levels.
Select the statement that is true for many types of cold cures - Select one They contain anti -histamine, which may cause drowsiness and impair performance. They may inflame the eustachian tube, possibly leading to middle ear infection. They contain ephedrine, which may cause vision problems when flying at altitude. They may have side effects which strain the heart when flying at altitude.
Select the condition which will be most likely to cause hypoxia - Select one The partial pressure of oxygen at high altitudes decreases. When the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is excessive When carbon dioxide levels in the lungs are lower than normal The ratio of helium to nitrogen pressure at high altitudes increases.
A function of the inner ear is to - Select one: protect the eardrum from the intrusion of foreign bodies amplify the vibrations arriving at the eardrum and transfer them to the cochlea equalise the pressure on either side of the eardrum convert the mechanical energy of vibrations to nerve impulses and assist in maintaining the sense of balance.
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