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Test of the TAW11

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After upgrading form SAP R/3 4.6C to SAP Web Application Server 6.20 or higher you set Unicode Checks Active indicator in the program attributes and make sure the source code is sytactically correct TRUE FALSE.
For which of the following predefined data types should you use the original variants of the standard string processing statementes or the optinonal IN CHARACTER MODE addition? D, C, T, N, STRING X, STRING, C, N D, X, N, STRING XSTRING, D, T.
For which of the following predefined data types should you use the new compare operators BYTE-CO, BYTE-CA for compares? STRING, C X, STRING X, XSTRING C, N.
In principle, there should be no effort required to convert existing programs from SAP R/3 4.6C to SAP Web Application Server 6.20, provided you have generally always used "safe" programming for string processing (copying structures component by component only, avoiding offset/length access, and so on). TRUE FALSE.
Prior to SAP Web Application Server 6.10, copying entire structure contents using MOVE was problem-free and very practical. With the Unicode-enablement of SAP Web Application Server 6.10 or higher, problems now occur which render this kind of programming no longer possible. TRUE FALSE.
As of SAP Web Application Server 6.20, the offset/length access generally causes a syntax error if the indicator Unicode Checks Active is set. TRUE FALSE.
In which of the following cases is the struc1 = struct2 statement allowed in UNICODE. DATA: BEGIN OF struc1, a(1) TYPE c, b(1) TYPE x, END OF struc1. DATA: BEGIN OF struc2, a(1) TYPE c, b(1) TYPE c, END OF struc2. DATA: BEGIN OF struc1, a(2) TYPE c, b(6) TYPE n, c TYPE i, END OF struc1. DATA: BEGIN OF struc2, a(8) TYPE c, b TYPE i, c TYPE f, END OF struc2. Both A and B Wrong Both A and B are correct.
In which of the following cases is the struc = field statement allowed DATA: BEGIN OF struc, a(2) TYPE c, b(2) TYPE c, c(4) TYPE x END OF struc. DATA: field(3) TYPE c. DATA: BEGIN OF struc, a(4) TYPE x, b(5) TYPE c, END OF struc. DATA: field(4) TYPE x. DATA: BEGIN OF struc, a(4) TYPE x, b(5) TYPE c, END OF struc. DATA: field(4) TYPE P. None of the above.
What is the result of a list output in a non-Unicode system, and what is the result in a Unicode system? DATA field(5) TYPE c VALUE ´ABCDE´. WRITE field + 1(4). ABCD BCDE CDEAB ABCDE.
Which of the following accesses to the struc structure are allowed in Unicode programs? DATA: BEGIN OF struc, a(3) TYPE c, b(4) TYPE. sturc(21) struc+7(14) Both are correct Both A and B are wrong.
Complete data types are: i, f, d, t p, n, x i, f, d, t, STRING, XSTRING c, i, p.
Which of the following is not a numeric data type? n i p f.
The technique not used by arithmetic expression is: Fixed point Arithmetic Floating point Arithmetic Packed point Arithmetic Integer point Arithmetic.
Where can you create a global structure? In the Data Dictionary In the ABAP Dictionary In the SAP Dictionary None of the above.
Using the field catalog, which of the following functions can be performed? Add columns Change columns Both a and b care correct Both a and b are wrong.
Which of th following is not an output attribute of a column? Checkbox Col_pos Hotspot Double click.
Using the ALV Layout you can: Change the line color Hide standard functions Both a and b None of the above.
How many events does the ALV grid control support? 1 2 3 4.
The method used in the Field Catalog is: set_table_first_display set_table_for_first_display get_table_first_display get_table_first_display.
While updating database you can update: only single records only several records both single and several records none of the above.
What is the concept underlying the SAP-LUW? All principle All and nothing principle All or nothing principle None of the above.
Which of the following lock modes do not exist? E X S D.
Which of the following are update modes? Sychronous and Asynchornous Synchronous and Local Asynchornous, Synchronous and Local Asynchornous and Local.
When a program is called, you cannot pass data through: Call interface SAP Memory ABAP Memory Internal Type.
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