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Final Exam

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Joe Hackett
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Number of questions: 80
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Primary terrorist groups would include which of the following Hamas AFL-CIO Al Qaeda Hezbollah.
The Union of Concerned Scientists notes that terrorists will attempt to Acquire materials and construct a device Attack a major government physics lab in the US and using its nuclear weapon Steal one that has been constructed by Mexico or Iran None.
Police officers confronting terrorists in the United State now find themselves vulnerable in which of the situations Traffic stops Residence visits Rallies/marches All.
First responders need to know How to cultivate information What information to look for How to collect and where to send it All.
WMDs can be biological, chemical, or nuclear True False.
Even if terrorists are able to acquire all the necessary components, it is still very difficult to construct a nuclear weapon True False.
Containment perhaps is the greatest issue along with prevention True False.
NIPP serves as the guideline for organizing homeland security in the US True False.
DHS’s primary responsibility is prevention, coordinating all efforts to prevent attacks on the US True False.
An outbreak of small pox could result in very little disorder, as it is a relatively weak agent True False.
The Knapp Commission found that police Were actively soliciting gratuities from citizens Were passively accepting gratuities from citizens Were rarely accepting gratuities from citizens Never accepted gratuities from citizens.
The primary components of corruption are The slippery slope and gratuities Lack of conscience and disrespect for policy Misuse of authority and personal gain Lack of supervision and lack of morals.
Unwelcome verbal or physical conduct based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability constitutes harassment when The conduct is sufficiently severe to create a hostile work environment A supervisor’s harassing conduct results in a change in an employment status or benefits Both None.
Examples of hostile work environment actions can include all which of the following Leering in a sexually suggestive manner Making offensive remarks about looks, clothing, body parts Touching in a way that makes an employee uncomfortable Bringing an employee of the opposite sex a cup of coffee.
Requiring officers to be “objectively reasonable” in their use of force may be defined as Officers first ask, “How far and when do I ‘climb the next rung’ of the ladder?” Officers evaluate a situation in light of the known circumstances, including the seriousness of the crime, and level of threat or resistance by the subject Officers first mentally select the most severe form of force, and then work down None.
Contagious shooting is Where gunfire directed at the police is shifting from city block to city block Gunfire that spreads among officers who believe that they, or their colleagues, are facing a threat Where gang members seek out a variety of opposing gangs for their initiation rites The cause of about 90 percent of police in-service training per year.
Most efforts to control police behavior are rooted in statutes and departmental orders and policies True False.
The terms “grass-eaters” and “meat-eaters” refer to the level of officer involvement in taking gratuities True False.
A police department will promulgate written guidelines to prevent inappropriate police behavior from occurring True False.
Courts have said that police officers have a duty of care to persons in their custody: keeping detainees free from harm and rendering medical assistance when necessary True False.
The First Amendment covers which of the following rights for officers Speech Political affiliations Political activities All.
Negative discipline generally includes which Letter of reprimand Demotion Days off without pay Formal counseling sessions.
In ___________, the Supreme Court ruled that police agencies may set grooming standards for their officers Terry v. Ohio Kelly v. Johnson Muller v. Conlisk McDowell v. Hunter.
Supervisors may receive complaints from which of the following sources Anonymous Primary Secondary All.
When a _____________ is given, an officer is placed in a position of lower responsibility and pay Suspension Letter of reprimand Demotion None.
_____________ is known as stopping a vehicle simply because the driver is black Training Supervisory responsibility COPPS Racial profiling.
A(n) _____________ source is one that is received directly from the victim Anonymous Primary Secondary Formal.
Police leaders believe that _______ percent of their officers cause _________ percent of the problems 10/90 20/80 90/10 50/50.
Which of the following complaint dispositions is defined as, “The act did occur and it was a violation of departmental rules and procedures”? Unfounded Sustained Closed Exonerated.
A system of early detection regarding problems with personnel is known as Early intervention Early warning system Early detection Officer watch.
The immediate cause of the Boston police strike was The 1922 World Series outcome The rioting during the Vietnam War Governor Alf Landon’s support of the firefighter’s union Police commissioner EV Curtis’ refusal to recognize the union.
The average police union leader has tenure in the office of 2-4 years 5-7 years 1-2 years A police detective.
Which of the following are the general models of collective bargaining The binding arbitration model The meet and confer model Quid pro ipso facto model Bargaining not required model.
When labor and management are unable to agree on an issue, it is called A logjam A bottleneck An impasse A tet-a-tet.
Management prerogatives in police union contracts include which of the following Number of police officers Police organization Shift configuration for units within the police department The ability to keep women out of sworn positions in the organization.
Some large police departments have unions for Officers and sergeants Lieutenants and captains Civilian personnel All.
The Boston police strike effectively halted police unionism for many decades True False.
Early police union groups were fraternal organizations, rather than unions, and were primarily concerned with employee health and welfare True False.
Police employee groups started during the Vietnam War True False.
Unions often emphasize seniority over ability or experience True False.
In police work, a certain amount of overtime by officers is inevitable True False.
There is a shift scheduling configuration that fits all needs True False.
Supervision of overtime abuses is often seen as the first line of defense against overtime abuses True False.
Today, an officer who works the night shift must receive pay for attending training or testifying in court during the daytime True False.
The largest but least expensive function of a police agency is that of patrol True False.
Police should avoid “power” naps, as they do more harm than good True False.
Large doses of caffeine can make a person perform better and calm one’s sleep-deprived nervous system True False.
A sleep deprived officer may have decreased ability in making accurate, split-second decisions that are required True False.
Responsible overtime management requires leadership from the top True False.
The least common method to determine resource needs is the comparative model True False.
Small departments often have sergeants as shift commanders and possibly a lieutenant who ahs responsibility for patrol True False.
Patrol represents the largest unit in a police department – about 70% of all sworn officers True False.
COPPS has changed patrol’s role to some extent, with officers expected to take the time to work more closely with citizens in the community to identify and solve problems True False.
The Kansas City Study found that patrol had a large impact on crime True False.
Calls for service actually have little influence over patrol operations True False.
The primary method of patrol is automobile patrol True False.
Preliminary investigations are performed by patrol, while the follow-ups are assigned to detectives True False.
Driving under the influence is normally a low enforcement priority for traffic and patrol officers True False.
Today, nearly all police agencies have official ticket quotas for each month True False.
Pursuit fixation” is where officers throw caution to the wind True False.
Open-air drug markets provide buyers ______________ and sellers ______________ An easy place to obtain drugs / ability to maximize customer access Less potent drugs / greater profit A reduced level of danger of drug rip-offs / a better reputation in the drug trade None.
Open-air drug markets represent the _________ of the drug distribution network Highest level Lowest level Easiest to address aspect Most profitable method.
Which are the types of programs existing for addressing gangs Prevention Intervention Suppression Collusion.
Goals of police officer engagement in street situations include Serving court papers Defusing a potentially violent situation Collecting information All.
Domestic disputes are some of the most common – an potentially dangers – calls for police service True False.
Raves are dance parties that feature fast-pace, repetitive electronic music and light shows True False.
Common traits among perpetrators of school violence may include an orientation toward violent shows, videos, and music True False.
Developed in clandestine laboratories often located in remote areas, meth is expensive and addictive True False.
When responding to crimes in progress, supervisors should insure that responding units converge on the scene from different directions True False.
Evidence suggests the drug most closely associated with rave parties – crack cocaine – when used habitually can cause permanent brain damage True False.
Coordination and communication problems between levels of government must be addressed before a disaster strikes True False.
Without functioning communication systems, chaos during a crisis is inevitable True False.
It is typically easy to predict the length of time a crisis may require to be brought under control True False.
Anytime there is disorder, the police should not attempt to contain it True False.
Gathering as much information as possible about the incident is of the utmost importance when handling a bomb incident True False.
Bombs are very difficult to make, explaining why about 10% of all explosive incidents carried out in the US involve pipe bombs True False.
Negotiations are extremely effective in brining hostage situations to a successful end True False.
The US Department of Transportation estimates that 800 million interstate shipments of hazardous materials are transported daily across the US True False.
The BATF’s National Response Team has 4 regions in the US and each region can respond within 24 hours to investigate such incidents True False.
SWAT members are undercover and do not carry a lot of gear so they can remain inconspicuous True False.
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