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DKT Road Safety

RSA Motorcycle test

Christian Trimino
(Other tests from this author)

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Number of questions: 92
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To reduce the effect of alcohol before driving or riding you should - - Wait. The time depends on how much you have drunk. - Drink black coffee. - Have a glass of water.
Before driving a motor vehicle or riding a motor cycle it is safest - - Not to drink any alcohol. - Drink 1 nip of spirits (30 ml or 1 oz). - Drink 1 middy (285 ml) of light (low alcohol) beer.
Is it an offence to refuse to take a POLICE breath test? - Yes, always. - No, if you say you haven't been drinking alcohol. - No, if you are a learner driver.
If you take medicine and then drink alcohol - - It can have a particularly bad effect on your driving ability. - The alcohol will have less effect than if taken alone. - Your ability to react to emergencies will improve.
Having 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks before driving - - Will affect your reactions and judgement. - Improves your driving ability. - Has no effect on your driving ability.
Even if you feel unaffected after drinking alcohol, you should - - Be aware that your abilities are decreased. - Drive, but avoid using freeways. - Spend more time than usual looking in the mirrors.
Alcohol is a depressant. This means - - It slows down how quickly your brain works. - It speeds your brain up so you can work better. - It makes you calm down and think more clearly.
After drinking alcohol you could - - Misjudge speed (your own and others). - Be able to drive the same as you normally can. - Be able to pay close attention to details in the traffic.
Which of the following statements relating to motorcyclists and bicycle riders is correct? - Alcohol affects their sense of balance. - Alcohol improves their concentration. - Alcohol improves their reflexes and judgement.
Consuming even small amounts of alcohol before riding may - - Affect your ability to control your motorcycle and make riding dangerous. - Help clear your mind by relaxing you. - Have no effect whatsoever on you.
What is the safest way to stay under the legal alcohol limit? - Not drinking any alcohol. - Buying a breathalyser (alcohol measuring instrument). - Exercising and drinking black coffee.
If you are taking any sort of medicine, you should - - Find out from your doctor or chemist whether the medicine or drug will affect your driving and act accordingly. - Only drive during the day after taking the medicine or drug. - Only drive a motor car not a heavy vehicle.
Before taking any drugs and then driving it is most important to - - Know what the effects of the drug are. - Plan to have some other person with you. - Have some food in your stomach.
If you have used illegal drugs you - - Must not drive. - May drive only in light traffic. - Should drink coffee before driving.
To ensure prescription drugs will not affect your ability to ride a motorcycle you should - - Tell your doctor you ride a motorcycle, check with your pharmacist and read the label on the drugs. - Not ride at all while taking any medication. - Not take the medication if you want to ride.
Under good conditions, when driving behind any vehicle, at any speed, you should - - Stay at least three seconds behind the vehicle in front of you. - Drive as close to the vehicle in front as possible. - Stay one second behind the vehicle in front of you.
When driving in wet weather, your vehicle will - - Take longer and further to stop, so slow down. - Stop in the same distance as on a dry road. - Handle better, so you can go faster.
At night, if an oncoming vehicle's headlights dazzle you, you should - - Slow down, until your eyes recover. - Watch the centre line of the road. - Close your eyes for a short time until they recover.
If you get sleepy while driving, it is best to - - Stop, rest, and change drivers if possible. - Turn on the radio very loud. - Turn on the air conditioning or open the windows.
In wet weather when it becomes hard for you to see, you should - - Turn on your headlights, slow down, and double your following distance behind the vehicle in front. - Turn your headlights on high beam. - Flash your headlights to warn other drivers.
If you are driving and it starts to rain, you should - - Slow down using the brake gently, since rain and oil may create a slippery surface. - Put your lights on high beam so you can see better. - Put your hazard warning lights on and increase your speed to avoid the rain.
When driving on a slippery wet road, for example, one covered in early morning dew, your vehicle will - - Take longer and further to stop. - Be heavier to steer. - Be easier to steer and handle.
Why should you avoid heavy braking on a wet road? - Your wheels may skid and cause a loss of control. - If the wheels lock up your handbrake may not work. - You might wet pedestrians walking along the footpath.
At night you should - - Leave a longer gap behind the vehicle in front. - Use your hazard warning lights when overtaking another vehicle. - Drive closer to the vehicle in front so they can see you better.
When going on a long trip, out of the following which is the most important to do? - Get plenty of rest before starting out. - Make sure your horn is working. - Have a good meal before driving.
At night, when you approach an oncoming vehicle, you should - - Not look at its headlights, but keep left and watch the left of the road. - Carefully watch the vehicle by looking directly at its headlights. - Put your lights on high beam, to make your vehicle more easily seen.
To help prevent fatigue when riding you should - - Dress to protect yourself fully from wind, heat, cold and rain and not ride any longer than two hours at a time. - Stop and rest at least every four hours. - Ride in short sleeves shirt with no gloves to allow the wind to keep you awake.
What should you do if you have difficulty concentrating when riding? - Stop immediately and rest. - Ride without gloves and in a short sleeves shirt to allow the wind on your body to help you concentrate. - Constantly change your speed up and down to help you concentrate on what you are doing.
As you approach an intersection, you should check for traffic on your left and right - - At all times before entering the intersection. - Only when the traffic is heavy. - Only when you approach a stop sign.
When making a right-hand turn at the intersection shown, you must give way to - - An oncoming vehicle going straight ahead or turning left and any vehicle on your right. - A vehicle approaching from your left and intending to turn right. - Only pedestrians.
If turning right at a T-intersection (as shown) must you give way to vehicles approaching from both the left and right? - Yes, whether they are turning or not. - No, only the vehicle on the right. - No, you have right of way.
If a STOP or GIVE WAY sign has been knocked down, for example, as the result of an accident, does the line marked across the road have any meaning? - Yes, it has the same meaning as the sign itself. - No, but you must give way if turning. - No, you only need to give way to the vehicle on your right.
If turning at an intersection are you required to give way to pedestrians? - Yes, a driver turning right or left must give way to pedestrians, if there is a danger of a collision - Yes, only if turning left. - Yes, only if turning right.
When you come to an intersection and the road beyond is choked with vehicles going in the same direction, what should you do? - Wait until there is room for you to completely cross the intersection. - Proceed if there is no traffic on your right. - Travel into the intersection and wait until traffic ahead moves.
Right-turns must be made from which lanes when travelling on a laned roadway? - The far right-hand lane or any other lane having an arrow pointing right. - The lane carrying the least amount of traffic. - The far left-hand lane.
In this diagram both vehicles O and P must pass through GIVE WAY signs before entering the intersection. Which vehicle goes first? - Vehicle P. - Vehicle O. - It depends on who moves first.
Vehicle O is at a STOP sign - - Vehicle O must give way to vehicles P, Q and R. - Vehicle O must give way only to vehicle R. - All vehicles must give way to vehicle O.
If both vehicles P and O in the diagram are turning right, which vehicle is in the best position to turn left into the street marked 'X'? - Vehicle O. - Vehicle P. - Neither vehicle.
The diagram shows a marked pedestrian crossing at an intersection. There is also a STOP sign at the intersection. You have already stopped for a pedestrian. Must you stop again at the STOP line? - Yes, at all times. - Yes, if there is traffic on your right only. - No, if the intersection is clear.
A GIVE WAY sign at an intersection means that you must - - Be ready to stop and give way to all other traffic if there is danger of a collision. - Stop completely at all times and have no right of way. - Slow down and only give way to traffic on your right.
Which vehicle in the diagram must give way? - Vehicle J. - Vehicle K. - Vehicle L.
You want to make a left turn. You must use your left-hand indicator - - At all times. - Only when there is traffic behind you. - Only when arrows are marked on the roadway.
At the T-intersection shown in the diagram which vehicle should give way? - Vehicle R. - Vehicle Q. - Whichever vehicle got there last.
You wish to make a right-hand turn from a ONE WAY STREET with no arrows marked on the roadway. You should position your vehicle - - On the right-hand side of the street. - In the middle of the street. - On the left-hand side of the street.
When there are no arrows marked on the road, left turns must be made from - - The far left-hand side of the road. - The middle of the road. - Either side of the road.
What should you do on approaching a railway level crossing displaying a STOP sign? - Stop at all times and proceed when safe to do so. - Slow down to 10 km/h, then proceed through the crossing. - Stop, only if a train is at the crossing.
If the boomgates are down and the signals are flashing, at a railway level crossing, you may begin to cross - - Only when the gate is up and the lights stop flashing. - If you cannot see a train approaching. - If you can safely go around the closed gate.
When approaching a railway level crossing displaying this sign, you must - - Slow down, look both ways for trains and be prepared to stop if necessary. - Increase your speed to avoid any approaching trains. - Continue across at normal speed, do not slow down.
Even if the signal at a railway level crossing does not indicate that a train is coming, you should - - Slow down, be ready to stop and give way if there is danger of collision. - Speed up and cross the tracks quickly. - Stop completely at all times.
You approach an intersection in busy traffic and want to go straight ahead. The traffic lights turn green. When are you permitted to enter the intersection? - Only when there is room for your vehicle on the other side. - Immediately after the traffic lights turn green. - When the vehicle behind signals you to go.
Which statement is correct? - Red light cameras take photographs of vehicles that enter intersections when the lights are red. - Red light cameras take photographs of vehicles that speed through intersections. - Red light cameras take photographs of vehicles that cross intersections when the lights are yellow.
As you drive into an intersection, the lights turn to yellow. You should - - Continue through the intersection. - Accelerate as hard as you can. - Brake immediately to a stop.
You drive up to an intersection with a stop sign. There is no painted stop line. Where should you stop? - Before coming to and as near to the intersection as possible. - At least five metres before the intersection. - At the point where you can see clearly in both directions.
When police officers are at intersections giving directions you must - - Always follow any instruction they give you. - Drive through the intersection as you normally would. - Wait for the traffic lights to start working again.
You wish to turn left at this roundabout. Which lane may you use? - Left lane. - Right lane. - Either lane.
When you wish to turn left at a roundabout you indicate - - Left from start to finish. - Only if you think it necessary. - Left only after you enter the roundabout.
You wish to go straight ahead at this roundabout. Which statement is true? - You must leave the roundabout in the same lane as you entered. - You must enter in the right lane and leave in the left. - You must always leave the roundabout in the left lane.
When you wish to drive straight ahead at a roundabout you may enter from either the left or right lane. As you continue around you should - - Keep in the lane you entered the roundabout. - Move into another lane with least traffic. - Change lanes to get through quickly.
When turning left at a roundabout you should enter and leave the roundabout - - In the left lane. - In the right lane. - In the lane with least traffic.
You wish to go straight ahead on this roundabout with two lanes. Which lane may you use? - Either lane. - Left lane only. - Right lane only.
The motorcyclist wants to travel straight ahead through this roundabout. The rider should watch out for the marked car because the car - - May be leaving the roundabout. - Could be going too fast. - May stop suddenly.
To turn back into the same road from which you joined this roundabout you must - - Stay in the right lane all the way round. - Move into the left lane to leave the roundabout. - Use the left lane all the way round.
The red car wants to turn right and exit the roundabout in the street indicated by an arrow. Is the car positioned in the correct lane to do this? - No, the car should enter the roundabout only from the right hand lane. - Yes, the car can make the turn only from this lane. - Yes, the car can make the turn from either the left hand or the right hand lane.
If you enter an intersection that is under the control of a traffic controller - - Follow the directions of the controller. - Sound your horn at the traffic controller and hope they get out of your way. - Stop at the intersection and then proceed slowly.
You are at an intersection and see a pedestrian crossing the road into which you are turning. You must - - Give way to the pedestrian. - Sound your horn to warn the pedestrian to get out of the way. - Swerve around the pedestrian to avoid hitting them.
How should you merge with traffic when entering a freeway? - Watch for a gap and merge with the traffic at the speed it is travelling. - Speed up and force your way into the traffic. - Stop, then enter the traffic quickly.
Double unbroken dividing lines are marked on a roadway. You may - - Cross them to turn into a driveway or property, if it is safe to do so. - Cross them to overtake a car ahead if it is safe to do so. - Cross them to make a U turn.
A section of road is marked with double unbroken dividing lines as in the diagram. When is a vehicle allowed to cross these lines? - To enter or leave a street or driveway. - To overtake a slow vehicle ahead. - When there is no traffic coming the other way.
When driving in traffic lanes (as shown in the diagram), you may change your lane - - Only when it is safe to do so. - Without looking, provided you use your indicator - Provided you sound your horn to warn other drivers.
When two lanes merge into one (as shown in the diagram), who should give way? - The vehicle which has to cross the lane line. - The faster vehicle. - The vehicle in the right-hand lane because it is overtaking.
You must use your indicator lights when - - Changing lanes or turning left or right. - Approaching a curve. - Double parking.
If you hear the siren of an emergency vehicle, you must - - Take whatever action is necessary (with safety) to make way for the emergency vehicle. - Flash your headlights to warn other drivers. - Increase your speed to avoid the vehicle.
When driving on a multi-lane road with a speed limit of more than 80 km/h, which lane should you choose? - The left lane unless overtaking. - The right lane to avoid slow moving vehicles. - Either left or right lane.
Signalling is - - Always required before turning or lane changing. - Not required when turning at T-intersections. - Not required when turning at traffic lights with a green arrow.
How should you merge with traffic when entering a motorway? - Watch for a gap and increase your speed to safely merge with the traffic. - Stop, then enter the traffic quickly. - Stop, then enter the traffic quickly.
When driving near parked vehicles, you should - - Check for parked vehicles with turn signals on, or children about to step out. - Stop, if you see a car with its right-hand indicator on. - Sound your horn and flash your headlights to warn drivers not to pull out.
You are approaching a hill or curve. You must not cross the centre line to overtake - - If you do not have a clear view of any approaching traffic. - If you cannot see clear road ahead for 100 metres. - If you cannot see clear road ahead for 75 metres.
You are approaching the crest (top of a hill) on a narrow road, the safest procedure is to - - Keep to the left and slow down. - Flash your headlights to warn oncoming traffic. - Increase your speed and sound your horn.
On a single laned road (as shown), you must always overtake another vehicle on its right except when - - The other vehicle is turning right. - You are travelling at more than 80 km/h. - The other vehicle is going slower than you.
When overtaking another vehicle you should NOT move back in front of it, unless – - You can see the overtaken vehicle in your rear vision mirror. - An oncoming car appears over a hill. - The driver of the vehicle signals it is safe to do so.
A driver behind you signals their intention to overtake your car. What should you do? - Keep to the left and let that driver overtake you. - Speed up so that the driver will not have to overtake. - Signal the driver to remain behind you if it is travelling too fast.
The faster the vehicle in front of you is travelling, the - - More distance and time you need to overtake. - Less time you need to overtake. - Closer you must get before starting to overtake.
If you are not sure you have enough distance to overtake a vehicle ahead, you should - - Wait for a better opportunity with more distance to overtake. - Put the vehicle in a lower gear and speed up. - Sound your horn to signal the driver ahead to slow down.
When being overtaken by another vehicle what should you do to help? - Keep left and allow plenty of room to let the other vehicle back in. - Brake quickly to let the other vehicle overtake. - Move to the left and stop.
Before beginning to overtake another vehicle, you should - - Check to see it is safe, change gear if necessary, and signal your intention before moving out. - Signal and slow down so you will have more room to overtake. - Sound your horn, move out andovertake.
How should you overtake a pedal cyclist? - The same as you would another car, with safety. - Drive as close as possible to thecyclist so he or she will move over and let you pass. - Sound your horn to warn the cyclistto get off theroad.
If an overtaking vehicle signals that it must move in, in front of you, you should - - Prepare to slow down to allow room. - Speed up and not let the vehicle back in. - Flash your lights at the overtaking vehicle.
The first thing you should do before overtaking is - - Make sure it is safe and the way is clear of oncoming traffic. - Sound your horn. - Increase your speed.
You are travelling in the left lane and wish to turn right at the intersection. You move to the right lane and a driver behind sounds their horn at you. What have you done wrong? - Crossed an unbroken lane line. - Driven too slowly. - Changed lanes unnecessarily.
The speed limit on this road is 90 km/h. You have just overtaken a vehicle in the left lane. What should you do next? - Move into the left lane. - Keep your position in this lane. - Accelerate away from the other vehicle and keep driving in this lane.
The speed limit on this road is 100 km/h. When can you use the right lane? - Only when overtaking or turning right. - Whenever you want to. - When there is no other traffic around.
Another vehicle is overtaking you on your right. You commit a traffic offence if you - - Speed up while the other vehicle is on your right. - Keep the same speed. - Slow down while the other vehicle is on your right.
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