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parking unit 10

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Competitive Exam

Number of questions: 61
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we can save documents without posting T F.
incomplete documents cannot be saved T F.
Parking document is a way to post document T F.
we park document when we have entered wrong data t f.
when parking a document it is assigned a document number t f.
a document number is assigned for a held document t f.
parking documents numbers are internal assignment only t f.
transaction figures are updated when we park document t f.
parked document can be evaluated t f.
parked docs cannot be changed t f.
parked docs can be either completed or deleted t f.
parked document cannot be deleted t f.
substitutions are supported by document parking t f.
Duel control principles are not applicable for parking docs t f.
Following can be changed in a parked document Currency Document type document number company code amounts accounts account assignment objects.
we can park only G/L account docs only t f.
credit memos cannot be parked t f.
currency of a parked doc cannot be changed t f.
parked document number/Type can be changed t f.
document type of parked doc cannot be changed t f.
Only one change can be made to parked doc t f.
we cannot change amounts in parked docs t f.
we cannot change accounts in parked docs t f.
parked docs can be posted individually t f.
bulk processing not possible in parked docs t f.
batch input possible for bulk processing in parked docs t f.
Direct posting not possible for bulk processing in parked docs t f.
parked doc posted,new number new number is generated parked document number is applied.
we cannot view parked doc line items t f.
workflow variant has to be assigned to a company code t f.
A parked document release in independent of workflow variant assignment to a company code t f.
Work flow variant and company code have same currency different currency.
it is not possible to apply different document release procedure to different customer/vendor t f.
release approval path is determined by work flow variant in connection with document type and release group transaction type and release group.
With release group different document release procedure can formulated for different customers/vendor t f.
work flow variant+document type+release group = release approval path. t f.
release approval path + particular amount= document release t f.
there is only one level in sub work flow t f.
subwork flow controls the individual release procedure t f.
respective subwork flow is triggered by parked documents t f.
ways tol save a document without posting parking document holding document archiving document.
which of the following are the features of holding documents No account balances are updated system assigns a document number real- time evaluations available.
Document number of a held document is determined by the system, internally the user,externally the user,internally the system,externally.
Document number of a park document is determined by the system, internally the user,externally the user,internally the sytem,externally.
Transaction figures are updated in case of held document park document posted document.
Evaluation and reports are possible in case of held document park document posted document.
Completeness check performed on a parked document as to whether document balance is zero required entry fields are filled.
effects of saving a park document no transaction figures are updated no automatic posting can be created balance is not checked it is not displayed in document overview.
Usage of parking document Temporary storage of input value multilevel model displayed work assignment through work lists.
we can park document for cutomer account vendor account g/l account.
we can display parked document in the system individually list selection line item list.
pick the correct one(s) Document change rules for document posted applies to parked document cross- company code docs cannot be parked Multiple changes can be made but for a limited interval in case of parked document we can make changed to individual documents and individual items or use document lists or line item list to change several documents.
Changes to parked documents can be displayed before posting the document after posting the document.
Park document can be posted individually bulk processing.
Bulk posting of parked document can be Direct posting batch input process.
pick the wrong one(s) document number of deleted document can be reused we can choose to change the posting date of parked document.
In parked document,system does not update data such as transaction figures, only exception _________ asset values cash management vendor credit memo customer credit memo.
Normal posted document Vs parked document Transaction figures updated deletion possible amount,accounts, account assignment changed document change rules.
Park document can be deleted individually bulk processing.
Bulk deletion of parked document can be direct posting batch input processing.
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