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Cysa 02 AIO

AIO practice Part 1

Adrian B
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Number of questions: 23
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_______________ is a framework used to organize information about an attacker’s TTPs and other indicators of compromise in a machinereadable format for easy sharing and follow-on automation. A. TAXII B. STIX C. OpenIOC D. APT.
A security engineer analyzes computer networks, ensures they’re running securely, and tries to foresee possible security issues that may arise in the future so that protections can be built into a system from the beginning. How does sharing threat intelligence with security engineers provide a benefit? (Choose all that apply.) A. Allows quick action when dealing with new threats B. Provides insight into the possible effectiveness of security measures C. Enables security engineers to operationalize countermeasures to specific adversary tactics D. Prepares them to predict the capability, intent, and opportunity for a threat in the future.
Talos and VirusTotal provide lookup information on potentially malicious URLs, domains, and IP addresses across the Internet and rate them on the potential of being risky based on association with the following types of data or activities: malware, spyware, spam, phishing, fraud, and so on. The data described is commonly referred to as which type of data? A. Reputation B. Indicator of compromise C. Attack vector D. Kill chain.
According to the Center for Internet Security (CIS) best practices, vulnerability scanning should be performed weekly or more frequently. All of the following factors should be considered when creating your organization’s vulnerability scanning policy except which one? A. Technical constraints B. Regulatory requirements C. Vulnerability feed D. Mitigation strategy.
Network segmentation makes threat attacks more difficult by separating your network into smaller chunks and is one method to implement layered network defenses. Which of the following could be considered benefits of network segmentation? (Choose all that apply.) A. Increased visibility B. Granular security control C. Complex management D. Prevents attacker lateral movement.
Testing software for security flaws is more critical today than ever. One must consider several factors, such as the programming language, availability of source code, financial budget to fund software testing, and so forth when determining how to approach software testing. Utilizing a tool such as Fortify, Coverity, Lapse, or FindBugs to test the software source code without code execution is which of the following software assessment techniques? A. Dynamic analysis B. Static analysis C. Reverse engineering D. Fuzzing.
Which of the following tools, on for wireless tools, is most known for its ability to recover wireless keys from WEP and WPA Wi-Fi security protocols? A. OpenVAS B. Aircrack-ng C. Reaver D. oclHashcat.
Which of the following cloud security tools ships with over 30 modules that enable a range of attacks, including user privilege escalation, enumeration, and attacking vulnerable Lambda functions, and is designed to be used in penetration tests, not just compliance checks? A. Prowler B. Pacu C. Burp Suite D. Scout Suite.
A. Wireshark B. DumpSec C. Responder D. Untidy.
XYZ, Inc., has invested in robotic process automation (RPA) technology to help with workflow and process automation. Which of the following are potential risks applicable to RPA? (Choose all that apply.) Nu am gresit dar e interesanta A. Compromised bot used to access sensitive data B. Malicious threat actor using social engineering on bots to perform nefarious privileged activities C. System disruption caused by scheduled bot activities overwhelming network resources D. Poor bot design enabling a remote network attack.
(Interesanta) Angela is preparing a proposal regarding automation/digitization of a client’s building control systems (HVAC, energy management, lighting control, access control, and related sensors). There are many advantages for the client to make this upgrade, including some cybersecurity advantages. Which of the following would be considered legitimate cybersecurity disadvantages of automating the client’s building control systems? (Choose two.) A. Use of legacy insecure protocols, common in building control systems, can create security gaps when converged with newer IT. B. Decreased efficiency of building control systems resulting in higher energy and operational costs. C. Reduces client’s ability to continuously monitor building control systems vulnerabilities, threats, and anomalies. D. Explosion of connected devices expands the attack surface, increasing the likelihood of a successful cybersecurity attack.
A. 1 – Weak, Guessable, or Hardcoded Passwords B. 2 – Insecure Network Services C. 3 – Insecure Ecosystem Interfaces D. 4 – Lack of Secure Update Mechanism.
While reviewing vulnerability scan results, Ainsley found that one of the reported vulnerabilities, CVE- 2014-0160, remained open and not patched. Ainsley’s research on this vulnerability found it affected OpenSSL and, if exploited, could allow attackers to read memory, potentially recover encryption keys, access credentials, and then use the credentials to access the system for nefarious purposes. What is the more common name for the vulnerability described? A. SS7 B. FREAK C. POODLE D. Heartbleed.
Susan has been researching cybersecurity challenges related to embedded systems utilized in the hospital network. To her surprise, the utilization of embedded systems was more widespread than anticipated. After briefing her findings to her supervisor, Susan was tasked to draft a plan to address cybersecurity challenges related to these embedded systems. According to her research, which of the following is the toughest challenge to address? A. Vulnerability identification B. Vulnerability protection C. Vulnerability remediation D. Vulnerability testing.
Google’s Project Zero identified significant cybersecurity issues with Broadcom’s wireless system on a chip (SoC), causing both Apple and Android to scramble to get patches deployed. Why are cybersecurity weaknesses in SoC technology significant? (Choose all that apply.) A. Difficulty in detecting malicious use of Hardware Description Language (HDL) processes B. Increased attack surface due to SoC utilization in almost all mobile technology C. SoC design increases likelihood of system-wide impacts D. High integration of hardware and software increases attack complexity.
Compared to integrated circuits, field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology is more flexible because it can be reconfigured to accommodate new functionality. One FPGA vulnerability discovered in Cisco firewall devices, if exploited, can cause the firewall to stop processing packets. This type of attack is referred to as: A. Buffer overflow B. Denial of service C. Trojan horse D. SQL injection.
Controller area network (CAN) bus is another example, similar to Modbus, where technology was designed purely for functionality with little or no consideration for cybersecurity. Which of the following are the primary cybersecurity weaknesses of the CAN bus implementation? (Choose all that apply.) A. Lack of authentication schemes B. Limited to a maximum length of 40 meters C. Lacks implementation of cryptographic protections D. Incurs more expenditure for software development and maintenance .
Scott is looking for a method to increase consistency in his cloud implementations. He has found a method that looks promising which basically uses configuration files to manage his IT infrastructure instead of manually making the changes. Which of the following methods has he discovered? Alege doar una A. Software as a Service B. Infrastructure as Code C. Function as a Service D. Platform as a Service.
The growth of public cloud continues at a rapid pace, and organizations rely upon publicly exposed interfaces to manage and interact with cloud services such as provisioning, managing, and monitoring assets/users. Because the organizations utilize a large number of these interfaces, the interfaces are often not secured properly, making them an attractive attack vector. Which type of interface is referred to here? A. Application programming interface B. Open Cloud Computing Interface C. Cloud Data Management Interface D. Hybrid Deployment Interface.
The type of serverless computing where the serverside logic runs in a stateless compute container, such as AWS Lambda, is known as _______________. A. Software as a Service B. Function as a Service C. Platform as a Service D. Infrastructure as a Service.
Jason is reviewing the AWS shared responsibility model, as shown in the following image. Based on this model, who is responsible for monitoring and logging? A. AWS B. Customer C. Third-party service provider D. Responsibility cannot be determined.
Based on the situation described in previous Question , which action would you recommend Jason take next? A. Request AWS clarify all responsibilities B. Research cloud monitoring and logging tools to purchase C. Contact a third party to obtain quotes for monitoring and logging services D. Explore the use of other cloud service providers.
Kathy is considering a hybrid cloud model for her organization. Which of the following would be a good reason for her to pursue a hybrid cloud model for her organization’s needs? A. Cloud compatibility B. Reduced deployment cost C. Less complex cybersecurity implementation D. Benefits of public, private, and on-premises cloud models.
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